Calon Dekan FMIPA Paparkan Visi-Misi

Thursday, 8 September 2011 | 15:33 WIB

Calon Dekan FMIPA Paparkan Visi-Misi

Dari kiri: Putut Marwoto, Mohammad Asikin, dan Prof Wiyanto.

Tiga calon Dekan Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) Unnes periode 2011-2015 memaparkan Visi, Misi, dan Strategi Pengembangan Fakultas. Paparan itu dipimpin ketua senat fakultas yang juga Dekan FMIPA Dr Kasmadi Imam Supardi MS, di ruang pertemuan dekanat FMIPA lantai III kampus Sekaran, Kamis (8/9).

Para calon itu adalah Prof Dr Wiyanto MSi (Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik), Drs Mohamad Asikin MPd (Pembantu Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan), dan Dr Putut Marwoto MS (Ketua Jurusan Fisika).

Ketiga calon mengangkat visi, misi, program, dan strategi pengembangan FMIPA Unnes 2011-2015  yang bertumpu pada tiga aspek yang merupakan elemen penting visi universitas: sutera (sehat, unggul, dan sejahtera), konservasi, dan internasionalisasi.

Hadir pada acara itu Pembantu Rektor Bidang Administrasi Umum Wahyono MM, anggota senat 21 orang, tenaga kependidikan (4 orang), alumni (4), dan BEM MIPA empat orang. Selanjutnya pada Selasa (13/9) mendatang, mereka akan dipilih oleh para anggota senat fakultas dan Rektor. Komposisinya, 65% suara senat sedangkan 35% suara Rektor.

EDITOR : Sucipto Hadi Purnomo

3 komentar pada “Calon Dekan FMIPA Paparkan Visi-Misi

  1. The three candidates have good visions and missions in progressing the school of science and math of Semarang State University. However, the most important thing is how to implement them. Down to earth plan is needed in moving toward Internationally recognized school….. There is a hard track in front of us… We need to strive hard… various changes need to be done in the academic and administrative matters.. Have a nice journey to brighter future..

  2. Thanks for your suggestions, Prof Bin
    FMIPA UNNES must be the center campus of national culture changing. Meaning that anyone who wants to look for new ideas related to mathematics and sciences can go to FMIPA UNNES. Anyone who wants to ask on how to synergically combine spirit to move forward and keep upholding our civilization good values can go to FMIPA UNNES. Anyone who wants to know deeper on how to synchronize natural and moral conservation in harmonious movement (in harmonia progressio) can go to FMIPA UNNES as the main choice to visit.
    I am ready to bring FMIPA UNNES to be more developed and harmonious. Being developed in harmony will make FMIPA UNNES as the nation contributor, make the people of FMIPA UNNES in a synergy, increase the competition power of FMIPA UNNES in international level, increase the justice and prosperity of FMIPA UNNES people, and increase integrity and intelligence of the graduates.
    Making FMIPA UNNES as the nation contributor will be my priority. This is based on reality that FMIPA UNNES still have not yet participated optimally in solving the nation’s problems. If FMIPA UNNES has been able to and has been steady to respond the nation’s problems, then it will increase the standing of FMIPA UNNES in the eye of the world.
    Making the synergy of FMIPA UNNES people is very important. In order to make the synergy, I will take several actions to make the people of FMIPA UNNES who are SUMEH, namely Santun (polite), Unggul (outstanding), Menarik (attractive), Energik (full of spirit) and Humanis (humane).

  3. Sukses buat MIPA, siapapun yg akan menduduki pucuk pimpinannya..
    Khusus buat sdrku M.Asikin, memang anda sejak dulu terkenal SUMEH, terutama itu lho, senyumnya yg “wah”.

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